Voice commands on Android Auto

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Voice commands on Android Auto

Postby tberman333 » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:13 am

Is there anyway to get voice commands to work with Android Auto? Would be great if you could say "Play band on Dsub" or "Play random album on Dsub". I am a beta tester of the app and would be happy to help you test this if you do not have Android Auto in your car.

Thanks for considering!

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Re: Voice commands on Android Auto

Postby acroyear » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:27 pm

Android Auto can be installed on a phone (I haven't tried tablet) as well. I've been using it that way for some time now, with a magnetic holder for sticking it to my dash.

Primarily I only play my (SubFire Radio generated) playlists on the road rather than feeling the urge to hunt for a specific artist/album/track, so I haven't felt the need to try any voice commands on it. I've never been a big fan of voice recognition, as it always seems to be MORE distracting as you have to look at the phone to wait to see if it actually interpreted what you said correctly...and in the meantime, WHOAH, LOOKOUT, GET BACK IN YOUR OWN LANE. you know. :D
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