Limits and features.

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Limits and features.

Postby tip32a » Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:52 am

I cannot find any reference to the number of individual songs that can be served? I have 155,000 songs and expect that number to double in 6 months.

Is there any Deduping or other library management. Album matching?

Can different users have their own collections?

Thank you

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Re: Limits and features.

Postby Jägs » Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:53 am

As far as I know, there is no limit on the number of songs, though I'm sure there's a practical one. I have over 200,000 and Subsonic has not even flinched.

There is no deduplication function in Subsonic, though I'd love one. I suspect development on Subsonic has all but ceased, so you'd be better off looking at a fork like Airsonic, or something else like Funkwhale or koel, etc. (or Plex and Emby if you want to also do video).

That said, you'd need some sort of music manager or tool (e.g., dupeGuru, beets) to do this. Subsonic also doesn't support album matching—if I'm following your intent—so you'd want to run everything through MusicBrainz Picard or from the command line using something like beets.

Others can correct me if I'm wrong, because I do not have many users, but I believe media folders are managed centrally, so you could not have separate music for separate users. They can have their own separate playlists, however.
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Re: Limits and features.

Postby acroyear » Fri May 01, 2020 12:50 pm

My box initially hit a limit around 50k but that may just be a matter of memory, and this was years ago (I've upgraded that box since then). It didn't crash but it just got really slow in responding.

I just solved it by moving my classical and film scores (and audio books) onto a different box. A useful thing, because for those 3 folders I'd rather have them sorted by name instead of year. Since the split, each folder is now at 65k and handling it fine, so there's that.
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Re: Limits and features.

Postby Chbrz » Tue May 26, 2020 8:11 pm

I have 554,000 songs in my library and I have no problems. I really miss the folder rights management for different users as it's done on Emby server as well as the functionality of the Android application.
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Re: Limits and features.

Postby 3Dscrewer » Thu Jun 11, 2020 10:48 am

Chbrz wrote: ... I really miss the folder rights management for different users as it's done on Emby server as well as the functionality ....

Of course there is folder rights management. For every path you have created there is a checkbox for each, simply call the desired user and disable the folder, standard is all folders allowed
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