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widemind wrote:EDIT: OK, I was'nt patient enough. The Freenas 8.1 roadmap gave me the anwsers ( ). See you at next update for more informations !
Hi all,
Freenas 8 is available since recently.
I've installed it and it's working well.
However, no way to install java & subsonic on it.
Did someone tried it? With success ?
If yes, a secondary HowTo in this section would be welcome, in order to use new BSD system performance with hard drive acces.
(my english is not perfect, don't beat me)
goatboy wrote:hello ppl.
no one here have problem with jukebox playback? i have no sound from all my 3 audio cards tested on my freenas machine.
all it's working when using web player mode.
hope for some help, cuz the i'll make that pc thing @80% of usage in jukebox mode...
sindre_mehus wrote:This tutorial explains how to install Subsonic on the popular FreeNAS server.
The following was done with Subsonic 3.6 and FreeNAS 0.69. Note that a "full", not "embedded" FreeNAS installation is required. Make sure to allocate enough disk space on the OS partition. Java and Subsonic requires at least 150MB.
In terms of hardware requirements, you probably need at least 750MHz CPU and 180MB RAM.
Step 1: Download Java JRE (or JDK) package from
Step 2: Install dependent packages first:
- Code: Select all
$ pkg_add -v -r xtrans
$ pkg_add -v -r xproto
$ pkg_add -v -r xextproto
$ pkg_add -v -r javavmwrapper
Step 3: Install the JRE (the .tbz file is the one you downloaded in step 1)
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$ pkg_add -v diablo-jre-freebsd6.i386.
Step 4: Download Subsonic standalone version and install it in /var/subsonic/standalone, as described here.
Step 5: In the FreeNAS web interface, go to System > Advanced > Command script and add the following "PostInit" script:
- Code: Select all
Step 6: Reboot FreeNAS, and go to http://<your-freenas-server>:8080 to start using Subsonic.
Your comments are welcome!
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