first of all thx and grats to the new version.
now a couple remarks (purely my point of view, but maybe some ppl agree there with me)
-i get the change of the premium model, one has to make a living and you spend considerable time to develop ss. so that's all cool with me + everyone has the choice to stay with the basic version...
- update of language files - fully understand that
-bugfixes, sure sth to undertake
now to the stuff i try to wrap my head around:
-the home/ recently added feature is to this date not really working! why? is it really that hard to have the recently added files show up in there? i have a average showing rate for newly added files of 50-75% depending on the day (and the moon phase perhaps?)
- a decent (usable and complete) search by genre is still not available, a major downer for users with large and huge media libraries! it should be a small job, considering it only uses db info that is anyway available (one can use it [kind of] when going to more/random play), why not as a fully blown feature to search your files same as by artist, album etc. ???
- last for now, (i am aware of the settings/clean up db) why not offer an option to do that automatically (at startup or ever so often).
ok, just some thoughts, maybe they will give you some ideas for coming releases...
cheers, L