sindre_mehus wrote:Thanks for the feedback! The rationale for removing the explicit download button is:
1. Having six controls next to each other (for each song) is too much, in my opinion.
2. It's (presumable) much less frequently used than the other buttons for playing/queuing songs.
Based on your comments, I have now done two minor changes that hopefully make the interface less confusing: The "Download" link is renamed to "Download all", and the "More actions..." drop-down is renamed to "Selected songs..."
Thanks for the rationale behind it and for the adjustments to the settings you are going to make.
For the second rationale I can definitely see that especially when dealing with music, however where my users have noticed the issue most is with video. You already dont have the other buttons there functionally on that view, so it may be worthwhile implementing the download button based on the media type for each entry. Because at least from my experience more people download single videos out of a folder than single songs.
As for my exception issue thats understandable, I thought I had forced a full rescan when I made some of my modifications but that could have been longer ago than I thought. I have now fixed the permission errors on the files so no big deal. Just may want to look at changing the wording on that exception.
Thanks for all the work and for responding to my items.